Hair Loss Treatment - North York
What is the Hair Loss Protocol?
Our Hair Loss Protocol is a six months intense and aggressive treatment of the scalp area. These treatment sessions will have Micro-needling and specific medications, including but not limited to certain vitamins and PRP sessions. Our Hair Loss Protocol enables the components that nourish the hair follicles to settle in the hair easily. With this method, hair loss can be treated, as it thickens thinned hair, stops hair loss, and makes the hair stronger and shinier. For more details, please give us a call at 416-221-5151.
Microneedling promotes the absorption of products used to treat your hair loss, such as minoxidil and topical steroids. With the aid of other products, micro-needling can be a very effective way to treat hair loss.
Our hair restoration protocol combines micro-needling with mesotherapy treatments. This will allow for the right vitamins and nutrients to get to the area that is damaged by micro-needling, allowing for better results. For more information regarding the medication and vitamins used in our protocol, please give us a call.
Our hair restoration protocol is a safe, non-invasive procedure that has shown to bring back lost hair. Sometimes an anesthetic gel might be applied to the treated area for patients with low pain tolerance.
Depending on which treatment session you are having, a topical anesthetic may be applied.
Depending on which treatment session you are having, you can experience some inflammation with redness around the treated area. Please make sure to keep away from the sun and keep the area clean.
You’ll need to follow your aftercare instructions carefully to prevent infection. Your aftercare often involves keeping the area clean for a few days, as well as using a prescribed topical or oral antibiotic to ward off bacteria.
We suggest that patients get between 6 to 12 treatment sessions for optimum results.
It is also best practice to come for a touch-up treatment once to twice a year.
What are the causes of Hair Loss?
Family history (heredity) – The most common cause of hair loss is a hereditary condition that happens with aging. This condition is called androgenic alopecia, male-pattern baldness and female-pattern baldness. It usually occurs gradually and in predictable patterns — a receding hairline and bald spots in men and thinning hair along the crown of the scalp in women.
Hormonal changes and medical conditions – A variety of conditions can cause permanent or temporary hair loss, including hormonal changes due to pregnancy, childbirth, menopause and thyroid problems. Medical conditions include alopecia areata, which causes immune system related problems and patchy hair loss, scalp infections such as ringworm, and a hair-pulling disorder called trichotillomania.
Medications and supplements – Hair loss can be a side effect of certain drugs, like those used for cancer, arthritis, depression, heart problems, gout and high blood pressure.
Radiation therapy to the head – The hair may not grow back the same as it was before once undergoing radiation.
A very stressful event – Many people experience a general thinning of hair several months after a physical or emotional shock. This type of hair loss is temporary.
Hairstyles and treatments – Excessive hairstyling or hairstyles for thin hair that pull your hair tight, such as pigtails or cornrows, can cause a type of hair loss called traction alopecia. Hot-oil hair treatments and permanents also can cause hair to fall out. If scarring occurs, hair loss could be permanent.
What you can expect from our Hair Loss Treatment
Hair loss gradually stops
Hair growth is activated
The activity of adipose glands is reduced, curls look cleaner, longer and fuller
Blood flow and oxygen delivery to the bulbs increase
Dandruff is reduced
Improvement is seen in hair density, smoothness and brightness
Before and After Pictures

Contact Us to Book or Fill Out Form
contact@clarixio.com, (416) 221-5151
222 Finch Ave, North York, M2R1M6